Canine Affair Center
Call 440-729-9375
About Us
Agility Instructors
Cheryl Sacerich
Lynne Wickens
Obedience Instructors
Mary Berr
Dorothy Kellerhall HTACP
Chris Wiecek
Bridget Telencio-Hambretch
Canine Freestyle Instructors
Janet Dayton
Leila Widgren
Conformation Instructors
Dorothy Kellerhall
Mark Kocab
Agility Classes
Obedience Classes
Conformation Schedule
Canine Freestyle
Student Registration
Student Registration Form
Directions Map
Parking Map
Grooming & Massage
Contact Us
Photo Gallery
Our Favorite Links
Important Announcements
Here comes MUD season!
Please keep your dogs out of the muddy areas.
No muddy shoes or dog feet will be allowed in the building.
Please bring a towel to clean off your dog's feet and a second pair of shoes for yourself.