Agility Classes $100.00 - 4 Weeks
All Agility classes are for Fun or Competition
Please contact us for class availability before sending in a registration form. Dates are subject to change. Payment must be made by the first class. Cash or check only.
All Agility classes are for Fun or Competition
Please contact us for class availability before sending in a registration form. Dates are subject to change. Payment must be made by the first class. Cash or check only.
All Agility classes are for Fun or Competition
Please contact us for class availability
Agility Foundations
For all dogs beginning an agility career.
4 Weeks $100.00
The goal of this class will be to have the dogs form an understanding of what’s being asked of them, and to build confidence and make agility fun. Designed for dogs aged 6 months and older, this class is focuses on building a strong foundation to last a lifetime. Dogs will learn equipment from the “ground up”, and handlers will learn how to properly train and reward their dogs. This class will focus on fundamentals that include leadership work, motivating your dog, and how to work as a team. Agility handling techniques, including pushes, pulls, front crosses, and rear crosses will be taught as groundwork, and then adding simple obstacles. Exercises for developing proper jump form will be taught.
All dogs begin classes at younger than one year of age, and ALL first-time agility handlers will be required to start with the Agility Foundations class.
Prerequisites: the dog should have a basic recall, sit, down, and stay.
For dogs/handler teams who are familiar with the individual agility obstacles, and ready to begin sequencing.
4 Weeks $100.00
This class builds on the skills taught in the Agility Foundations class. There will be a continued focus on all the foundation work mentioned above, including floor work, along with an emphasis on the teeter and weave poles. Handlers will learn what cues your dog, what drives them, and how to provide consistent
information to your dog. We will also focus on skills to help you be more successful. Students will learn how to apply all the floor and foundation work into running sequences effectively. The goal of this class is to prepare you and your dog for the beginning levels of competition.
Prerequisites: Completion of the Foundations class or equivalent training. Dogs should be comfortable with a full-height A-frame and dog-walk a lowered teeter and channeled weave poles, and all other agility obstacles. Handlers need a basic understanding of handling techniques. Note: experienced handlers who have not taken the Foundations class are permitted with instructor approval. It is recommended that dogs be one year or older.
For dogs and handlers currently training at the Novice level, or who are ready to begin their trial career.
4 Weeks $100.00
This class will focus and expand on skills learned in the previous classes. Emphasis will be placed on the new skills required to begin trialing, including reading an agility course map, and planning a handling strategy. The primary exercises will be short sequences, and the introduction of varying handling methods for the same sequence, to help handlers learn to better “read their dogs” and develop more advanced skills in guiding and directing their dogs around a course.
The various “games” classes will be discussed and played. Other skills will also be taught depending on the desires / issues of the individual handlers. Individual problem areas will be evaluated and discussed.
Prerequisites: Biginners or dog and handler should be able to perform all agility obstacles, including 6 straight up weave poles.
For dogs and handlers currently training at the Open level.
4 Weeks $100.00
Similar in format to the Novice/Starters class, this class will refine methods of handling some of the more technical challenges presented to us in competition. Topics include handling consistency, sending and distance work, independent obstacle performance, weave pole entries, jump patterns (pinwheels, serpentines, and obstacle discrimination s. More advanced “games” skills and strategies will be taught. Other skills will also be taught depending on the desires/issues of the individual handlers. Individual problem areas will be evaluated and discussed.
Prerequisite: Novice level. Dogs must be able to perform all agility obstacles at full height and to perform 12 straight-up weave poles.
For dogs and handlers currently training at the Excellent level.
4 Weeks $100.00
Following the same format as the previous two levels, this class includes longer sequences and has a strong emphasis on alternate handling methods. By encouraging handlers to experiment, and attempt sequences using a handling method that is perhaps outside their comfort zone, this class gives handlers new tools that can be called upon to speed up course times and be able to confidently face the technical challenges presented in the upper levels of competition in the sport.
Prerequisites: The dog and handler should be at the Open level.